Monday, April 21, 2014

Favorite Scenes of All Time: #9-Darth Vaders' Redemption (Return of the Jedi)

Return of the Jedi is a bit of a conundrum for me. On one hand, I consider it by far the weakest film in the Star Wars trilogy because of its' strange choices in film making such as replacing Wookies with Ewoks, the entire first act, and more of less neutering the awesomeness that is Han Solo. On the other, it contains most of my favorite scenes in the series, such as the best space battle in the series, any scene with Ian Mcdiarmid, and the final showdown between Luke and Vader. But while I could have probably comprised this entire list of scenes just from Star Wars films (Han Solo saving Luke at the Death Star, the Battle of Hoth, Darth Vader telling Luke he is his father, etc.), my favorite scene in the trilogy revolves around Darth Vader's redemption scene.

This scene is so emotional and there is so much going on in it that it's hard to even put into words how utterly brilliant it is, but I'll try. First of all, we have Ian Mcdiarmid completely stealing the show with every line of dialogue he utters. This scene has more memorable lines in it than most of the rest of the Star Wars trilogy combined, and his delivery is so evil and perfect that his brief appearance in the series has earned him a place as one of the greatest big screen villains of all time.

Next we have the music, and while last week I pointed out that the lack of real music amplified the power of the scene, in this case we have the opposite effect. The score is perfectly set to what is happening on screen, and punctuates every point with an appropriate pitch or tune. Just listen to that crescendo that follows "Now young Skywalker... you will die". For the life of me I seriously can't think of a more perfectly fitting score in the history of film.

Now it's hard to deny that the prequels have completely ruined the concept of the Emperor using lightning against Luke, but the first time I saw this film and saw that lightning shoot out of Palpatines' fingers I was in complete awe. Here I thought Luke and Vader were the epitome of what the force could accomplish, but now we have this new threat who is able to literally command the elements at his whim to torture our hero. I may have been seven at the time, but to this day I still remember that this was the first time I ever felt uncomfortable watching a movie. Lukes' torture went on so long that right before Vader gave the Emperor the old heave ho I just wanted Luke to die so he would be out of his misery. Whether you love or hate the Star Wars film, you can't deny that this scene really created a visceral reaction in the audience.

Finally we have Vader himself, filled with emotional conflict between the choice he is being forced to make: either side with a man who has been his friend and mentor for the last twenty years, or save the son he never knew he had and who represents everything he hated in his former life. Not being able to see his face underneath the mask makes the scene even more powerful, since we can only imagine the emotional struggle occurring on his face. and while the recent addition of a "No... NOOOO!" in recent editions has tarnished this silent moment, it still remains one of the greatest redemption scenes of one of the greatest big screen villains of all time.

I enjoy sending my readers to great movie review sites, so for anyone reading this you should give the Weekend Ronin a shot. They have been kind enough to feature this blog on the show, and their knowledge of film is second to none.

And don’t forget to like their Facebook! Thanks to those who already have on my advice.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, this was one of the best scenes of Star Wars. Even to this day, when I watch the Emperor torture Luke and then to have him cry out: Father! Please! Help Me! That gets me every time. I can feel the tears begin to well up as Palpatine gives those final lines: "Now Young Jedi You will die!" I wish though I could have seen Anakin's face when he said those words. Vader's blank face though says it all as he stares back at Luke and endures another round of force lighting on his body before Vader throws him over the railing into the shaft. That is, in my opinion, one of the best scenes in Star Wars ever. But, who could forget when Luke takes off his mask revealing Anakin and then Anakin telling Luke that he was right. Indeed this is one of the most emotional scenes in Star Wars. It doesn't wrap it up in a nice bow, but it does bring some closure for the audience. I was glad that Vader was redeemed, but sad that Anakin died. What I would have liked is when Anakin gave his last breath, Lucas could have chosen to reveal highlights from Anakin's life. The pod race, meeting Padme and Qui Gon, Obi Wan telling Anakin that he will be a Jedi, Anakin's love for Padme. The kiss in the arena before they were supposedly going to be executed. Their marriage on Naboo, and then Obi Wan's speech how he was the chosen one who would bring balance to the force. This would have been a good thing to do at the Death of Darth Vader. But, still these scenes, especially "Father! Please! Help Me! move me
